Sandy Springs Dentist and staff head for Woodstock for good karma…

Dentists to turn church into free clinic
by Kyle Dominy Cherokee Tribune
August 10, 2011 11:59 PM | 732 views | 0 0 comments | 7 7 recommendations | email to a friend | print

WOODSTOCK — The Georgia Dental Association is turning the First Baptist Church of Wodstock into a dentist’s office this Friday and Saturday in an effort to help those who cannot afford such care.

The association is presenting the first Georgia Mission of Mercy, a two-day event to provide dental exams and treatment for people in need.

“A lot of dentists do pro bono work in our offices, work in free clinics or go on mission trips. But there has been an increase in awareness of the local need, especially in this economy,” said Atlanta dentist Richard Smith, who is helping organize the event and is also a former president of the Georgia Dental Association. “We had to look for a way to meet that need.”

The Georgia Mission of Mercy kicks off at 5 a.m. Friday with 1,500 volunteers, including 300 dentists. The staff will work till 5 p.m. then work from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Read more: Cherokee Tribune – Dentists to turn church into free clinic

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A
Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328