Dunwoody Dental: Coconuts about Dentistry

Dunwoody dentist near meAccording to researchers, 60 to 90 percent of children in industrialized nations are affected by tooth decay or cavities.  But scientists from the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland found that coconut oil which had been treated with enzymes stopped the growth of Streptococcus bacteria–a common cause of tooth decay.[1]  Also, enzyme-treated coconut oil inhibited growth of Candida albicans that causes thrush, a yeast infection characterized by whitish, velvety sores in the mouth and tongue.[2]

“Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations. Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection,” said lead author Dr. Damien Brady from Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT).  This use of coconut oil in dental care products such as toothpaste and mouthwash could be an attractive alternative to current chemical additives.

The nice aspect of this is coconut oil may be selective by leaving healthy bacteria in place to help protect your teeth, rather than the typical broad spectrum products that indiscernibly wipe out all of your mouth’s bacteria. We will keep you updated as more research is published.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




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[1] The study was presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s autumn conference at the University of Warwick.

[2] Ibid.

Dentist Dunwoody: Red or White Wine?

Dunwoody dentist near me
Red or White Wine, to be or not to be?

After a long day hard at work, a glass of wine may just be what’s in order.  Well, white wines just can’t catch a break.  Interestingly enough, white wine turns out to be a lot worse than red wines for teeth.[1]  And yet, it’s not the alcohol in the wine, but the acidity of the wine.

Apparently, the acid content of white wines like Chardonnay or Riesling destroys tooth enamel much faster than reds like Cabernet.  And to counter this effect, white wine drinkers are recommended to munch on cheese, which supplies calcium to counteract the wine’s effect.   Essentially, consuming wine with food means the saliva you produce as you chew helps to neutralize its acidity and limits its erosive potential.

In addition, you need to leave some time between drinking white wine and brushing teeth to give your enamel a chance to recover from the acid attack.  Another recommended solution, might be to chew xylitol gum to make the enamel less susceptible to being brushed away.

Now red, with all its great antioxidant benefits doesn’t get off the hook.  The red wines can stain your teeth.  And according to the Mayo Clinic, research studies regarding the benefits of red wine in preventing heart disease have had mixed results. The evidence still isn’t clear whether red wine has more heart benefits than white wine or even beer.[2]

Whether you choose to drink red wine or white may just be a matter of preference.   And while there may be benefits to drinking wine, you should do so in moderation.[3] The risks of drinking too much of any alcoholic beverage can easily outweigh the good.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328




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[1] http://www.newser.com/story/72188/white-wine-hurts-the-choppers.html , according to a German study of human teeth soaked in various kinds of wine.

[2] http://www.livestrong.com/article/67623-red-wine-vs.-white-wine/#ixzz2fuduNxNe


[3] The Mayo Clinic states that moderation is defined as two drinks per day for men and one drink for women.

Dunwoody: Dental Spas?

Dunwoody Dentist near meIs a dental spa more about building confidence or changing lives?

While you get your dental work done, do you want a facial?

Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Chinese all used certain methods to relax a person suffering from ailments such as a toothache. The “barber surgeon” in the 18th and 19th century allowed barbers to perform some dental procedures as well as shaves and haircuts.[1] The term “spa dentistry” (presently synonymous to dental spa) was actually used in the 18th century to describe dental practitioners in Bath England.[2]  Dr. Curris, a female dentist in 18th Century Bath England likely created the first dental spa offering patients dentistry with skin and bodycare.

The terms, “dental spa” and “spa dentistry,” began to be more publicly used in the late 1990s.[3] In 1998, Lorin Berland DDS, reserved the name DallasDentalSpa.com.[4] An estimated nine to fifteen percent of the American population—about 30 million to 40 million people—avoid essential dental care because of fear or anxiety.[5] [6] Although there are many variations, adapters of the dental spa concept generally offer cosmetic, general and restorative dentistry with a key focus on making the visit a pampering and pleasant experience.  But does it really work?

In our practice we are committed to the goal of making your next dental health experience a stress-free, restful, and yes, even enjoyable.  Our profession dictates we offer you quality oral health care with unprecedented patient service, but do we need to offer you a warm towel or should we give away free laughing gas?

We’re a multi-specialty practice which means we can treat a lot of your oral health issues and cosmetic dentistry under one roof.  But we are not all things to all people.  We understand there are those in the profession that seek to distract you from what’s really important.  We recognize you’re our number one priority, and we do this by focusing on delivering you the highest quality oral health care we can.  Whether you’re in for routine maintenance or full mouth reconstruction, we are dedicated to providing unprecedented oral health care.  We change lives with the right smile, one that’s beautiful as well as functional.  We bring a tremendous amount of old school experience using proven techniques and technology.

Call us for a free consultation.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




Related Articles




[1] Dental+Spa=Blackjack, American Dental Association 147th Annual Scientific Session, October 19, 2006.

[2]  Fawcett, T., Spa dentistry: practitioners in 18th century Bath. May 1996.

[3]  (April 9, 1997). The Sacramento Bee (“The Dental Spa” teeth whitening salon opened May 1, 1997 in California.

[4] Wahl, P., Hollett, L., Hegarty, G. KNOCKS and Rubs of Dental Spas Dental Economics (Sept. 29, 2004).

[5] WPTV, May 14, 2008, Dental Spa

[6] WFTV, June 17, 2008, Patients Relaxing in Dental Spas

Dentist Sandy Springs: New Cancer Causing Virus

oral cancer month logoThe Laboratory for Developmental Genetics at the University of Southern California has confirmed cytomegalovirus (CMV) as a cause of the most common salivary gland cancers.  The findings, published in the journal Experimental and Molecular Pathology, are the latest in a series of studies by USC researchers that together demonstrate CMV’s role as an oncovirus, a virus that can either trigger cancer in healthy cells or exploit mutant cell weaknesses to enhance tumor formation.[1]

Researcher and author Michael Melnick, professor of developmental genetics in the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, said the conclusion that CMV is an oncovirus came after rigorous study of both human salivary gland tumors and salivary glands of postnatal mice.  This study illustrates not only that the CMV in the tumors is active but also that the amount of virus-created proteins found is positively correlated with the severity of the cancer.[2]

This should be a most productive area of investigation for a long time to come.  April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month and we offer free examinations.  Please give us a call and make an appointment.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




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[1] “Human Cytomegalovirus and Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of Salivary Glands: Cell-Specific Localization of Active Viral and Oncogenic Signaling Proteins is Confirmatory of a Causal Relationship,” was funded by the Oral Biology Fund of the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC.

[2] Ibid.

Dentist Sandy Springs: Symptoms and Signs of Oral Cancer

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month.

 oral cancer dentist near me

Yep, it’s here again.  So if you or a loved one have any of the following symptoms please take the time to see your dentist. The following signs and symptoms could indicate you have oral cancer:[1]

  1. a sore in the mouth that bleeds easily or doesn’t heal
  2. a color change in any of the oral tissues, including gums, lips or tongue
  3. a lump, thickening or a small eroded area
  4. any pain, tenderness or numbness in the mouth, throat or lips
  5. possible trouble chewing, swallowing or moving your jaw or tongue

Every year in the U.S., over 40,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer.  Unfortunately, oral cancer doesn’t always present symptoms in the early stages.  That’s why it’s important to get screened annually.  When detected and treated early, oral cancer patients have a nearly 90% survival rate.

So please make an appointment to see your dentist if you have any of the symptoms described above. It really could save your life.  We offer free screening to anyone during the month of April.  We think every little bit counts and would like to give back to the community where we can.  So if we can be of assistance please feel free to contact us and make an appointment.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




Related Articles


[1] particularly if these symptoms persist for two weeks or longer

Dentist Dunwoody: Dental Implants

Implant dentist near meAlmost 70 percent of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal or tooth decay.[1]  Furthermore, by age 74, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth.[2]  These are amazing statistics about the status of oral health.  Twenty years ago, these patients would have had no alternative but to employ a fixed bridge or removable denture in order to restore their ability to eat, speak clearly and smile.

Fortunately, today there is a viable option for patients who are missing permanent teeth – dental implants.  Rather than solutions resting on the gum line like removable dentures, or destroying adjacent teeth to anchor fixed bridges, dental implants are long-term replacements that truly function like your natural teeth.  Also, just as important, they preserve your underlying jaw bone structure.

Whether you are a young, middle-aged or an older adult; whether you need to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all your teeth, there is a high probability there is a dental implant solution to your situation.  Your implant can be placed in our office.  So what are you waiting for?  Contact us for your complimentary consultation.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




Related articles


[1] http://www.aaoms.org/conditions-and-treatments/dental-implants/ American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,

[2] Ibid


Dentist Sandy Springs: How much does a Dental Crown Cost?

Ceramic Dental CrownDental crowns cost anywhere from $900.00 and $1600.00, depending on the tooth being restored.  Additionally, the cost varies by:

a. materials,

b. complexity, and

c. the dentist’s training and experience[1].

Insurance may pay part of the cost if it’s obviously needed for medical reasons, but usually crowns are covered only on a limited basis per year.   Crowns are made of gold, porcelain, resin or porcelain-fused-metal[2].  The crown covers the entire surface of a tooth, adding strength, durability and stability.  This usually requires two office visits; first to prepare the tooth, make an impression and install a temporary crown. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory or manufactured in-house with the use of a CAD aided milling machine to create the permanent crown, which is installed during the second appointment.

There’s often an initial office visit ($65-$102) and X-rays ($85-$135).  One must not forget that there are additional costs that contribute to the overall price involved in crowns which are beyond the patient’s control.  A large share of undervalued costs goes toward the treatment itself, lab and production costs for the crown, aftercare and the like.

With proper care a crown may last 10 or more years.  Depending upon the general wear and tear, it could last indefinitely.  With somewhere between 10 and indefinitely, the investment becomes rather modest, if not inexpensive.

If we can be of service or answer any of your questions please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328





Thank you for all your referrals.  We truly appreciate them.

Information included is not dental or medical advice.  For your specific information

 be sure to consult your dentist.


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[1] And to some degree the location of the practice.

[2] Depending on the customers’ needs and wishes, partial and full crowns made of various materials may be utilized.

Dentist Sandy Springs: How much do dental fillings cost?

Sandy Springs Dentist near meThe cost varies depending the type of filling material and the degree of restoration required.   Amalgams are cheaper than composites but amalgams will last significantly longer if you are unconcerned about aesthetics.[1] One of the ways to find out the actual range of cost is to just call a local dentist from the internet and ask them. The problem with a quote over the phone is that each person presents a different set of restorative circumstances, but you should be able to get a range of costs or a free consultation.

While costs vary from one area to the next and from one office to the next, the cost of typical amalgam filling ranges from approximately $75 to $175 per filling, whereas a composite resin filling ranges from $125 to $300 for a single surface restoration.  You should expect about 3 to five years (possibly 7 years) from the composite and as many as 20 years or longer from an amalgam.  Actually, a well-cared-for amalgam filling can last a lifetime, so the expensiveness of the filling really becomes a minor consideration.

Restorative circumstances are going to vary from tooth to tooth and decay may be found in one small spot or throughout a tooth, you never know until you start the restoration.  The restorative fees are based on the number of surfaces needing filling in a single tooth.  Since composite resin restorations are more time consuming and require greater skills to completion they are more expensive than amalgam fillings and weigh in on the more expensive side of caries restorations.

Typically dental insurance covers most or all of the costs of a silver amalgam filling, but only 50 to 80 percent of the cost of a composite filling because insurance companies feel the higher charge for the tooth-colored material is considered cosmetic.[2]

Your dentist should be advising you of the type of filling based on the size of the cavity and the location of the tooth in your mouth.  Amalgams are more likely to be placed in the back of your mouth while composites are more likely to be used on more-visible front teeth. WebMD.com gives an overview of typical filling procedures and Colgate.com lists pros and cons of different types of fillings.

The trick is to find a qualified, well trained dentist, and that requires you to educate yourself about the dentist you choose and a basic knowledge about dentistry.  If we can be of service or answer any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




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[1] Also, there is the back and forth debate over whether or not amalgams are linked to other health issues.  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA) have determined there is no danger from an amalgam filling.  Yet there are specialists and consumers who remain unconvinced of these findings.

[2] One exception is when an old amalgam filling is cracked or broken and is replaced with a composite filling.

Sandy Springs Dentist: Is the Right Smile Center right for me?

Golden-EggMake the right choice in the right dental practice; choose Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC, and her associates ZoAnna Scheinfeld, Hanna Orland and Sidney Tourial located in the heart of Sandy Springs, GA. Consider the bottom line to your self-esteem and consider being treated by an Emory trained dentist, prosthodontist and periodontist.  Some people avoid smiling because they are ashamed of their teeth or unsure of how they will be received by the dentist after so many years of procrastination.

Our practice has over 4 generations of patients who are not ashamed to smile.  Before Dr. Neal Kopp past away in 2008, we had over 5 decades of experience in prosthodontic dentistry.  All of us either practiced, trained or taught at Emory University’s School of Dentistry.[1]  Cosmetic dentistry by a prosthodontic based practice involves improving the aesthetics and function of your smile with the right smile, to make you look and feel more attractive.

Click www.rightsmilecenter.com and see for yourself.  We have over 470 unedited reviews by patients with real life experiences in our practice.  Don’t believe me, read what others have to say – good, bad or otherwise.  And now with addition of Drs. Zoey and Hanna we offer in-house Endodontics and implant placement.  So if cosmetic dentistry is right for you, then we are right for you.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328




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[1] ZoAnna Scheinfeld and Hanna Orland are trained at the Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University

Dentist Sandy Springs: Dental Implants – the Standard of Care

dental-implants2Dental implants are stronger and more durable than their restorative counterparts[1].  And from an esthetic standpoint, dental implants look (and feel) more natural.  They offer the patient a relatively permanent solution to tooth and continued bone loss. Additionally, implants may be used to support a single crown, a dental bridge for the replacing multiple missing teeth, or a complete denture.

Procedural advancements mean that a larger population than ever before are candidates for dental implants.[2]  Keep in mind, while a general dentist may perform the crown and bridge restorations, prosthodontists[3] are most often your best choice for the successful completion of this type of technique sensitive procedure.

If we can ever be of help please don’t hesitate to call or comment so we can answer your questions.  With over 25 years of experience, we provide both in-house implant placement and prosthodontic expertise in their restoration.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328




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[1] Bridges, partials and dentures

[2] Application and candidacy varies on a case by case basis, meaning that your dentist needs to determine the viability of implants as it applies to your actual bone structure.

[3] the ADA accredited specialists