Your Oral Health Care Plan – Atlanta Dentist

I read this on Webmd and thought it was a very practical approach to dental care:

Sandy Springs Dentist near me
Every plan involves brushing

Your Oral Health Care Plan

Good oral health involves more than just brushing.  Here’s what you should consider:

1. Understand your own oral health needs.

Talk with your dentist or hygienist about any special conditions in your mouth and any ways in which your medical/health conditions affect your teeth and oral health. For example, cancer treatments, pregnancy, heart diseases, diabetes, dentures, or braces can all impact your oral health and may necessitate a change in the care of your mouth. Be sure to tell your dentist if you have experienced a change in your general health or in any medications you are taking since your last visit.

2. Develop, then follow, a daily oral health routine.

Based on discussions with your dentist, considering your unique general health and oral health situations, develop an oral health routine that is easy to follow on a daily basis. For example, people with special conditions – such as pregnancy, diabetes and other underlying diseases, orthodontic appliances – may require additional instruction and perhaps treatments to keep their mouth healthy. Make sure you understand the additional care and/or treatment that is needed, commit to the extra tasks, and work them into your daily health routine.

3. Use fluoride.

Children and adults benefit from fluoride use. Fluoride strengthens developing teeth in children and prevents tooth decay in both children and adults.  Fluoride levels in tap water may not be high enough without supplementation to prevent tooth decay. Contact your water utility to determine the level for your area. Talk with your dentist about your fluoride needs. Ask if fluoride supplements or a higher strength, prescription-only fluoride product is necessary for you.

4. Brush and floss daily.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and before bed time) and floss at least once a day. Better still would be to brush after every meal or snack.

5. Eat a balanced diet and limit snacking.

Eat a variety of foods and cut down on sugar. These foods produce the most acids in the mouth, which begin the decay process. If you must snack, brush your teeth afterwards or chew sugarless gum.

6. If you use tobacco products, quit.

Smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco products increases your risk of oral cancer and cancers of the larynx, pharynx and esophagus; gum disease; as well as causes bad breath, tooth discoloration, and contributes to other oral and general health problems.

7. Examine your mouth regularly.

Become familiar with the appearance of your own mouth and teeth through frequent examination. This way you will be able to catch any changes at an early stage and have these changes examined by a dentist. Look for the development of any spots, lesions, cuts, swellings, or growths on your gums, tongue, cheeks, inside of your lips, and floor and roof of your mouth. Examine your teeth for any signs of chipping or cracking, discoloration, and looseness. If you experience a change in your bite or develop pain, call your dentist as soon as possible. An oral examination is particularly important to conduct if you are a tobacco user, since you are at an increased risk of developing oral cancer.

8. Visit your dentist regularly.

The standard recommendation is to visit your dentist twice a year for check-ups and cleanings. Talk with your dentist about the frequency that is best for you considering your oral health situation.  Your insurance company never attended dental school.

9. Develop a partnership with your dentist.

Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist for more information if you don’t understand a treatment or procedure. You should be able to have a free and frank discussion with your dentist about the following types of issues:

  • What are the treatment options for a particular dental condition?
  • How do these options differ in cost and in their durability?
  • Do all the options solve the problem? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?
  • Of the dental treatments being recommended, which are absolutely necessary, which are less urgent, which are elective, and which are merely cosmetic?
  • What are the consequences of delaying treatment?
  • How much will the treatment cost?
  • When is payment due?
  • What method of payment does your dentist expect?
  • Do you have a clear understanding of all fees and methods and schedules of payment?

If we can help please give us a call or send us an email.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Are You Thumbing Your Mouth At Me? Sandy Springs Dentists

Our goal is to educate patients about the importance of oral health, its advances and how the right smile can change one’s life.

Children Thumb sucking
Children Thumb Sucking

If you have a new born or have one on the way, you’re going find out that infants have a natural instinct to suck as a way of nourishing and soothing themselves. Often, this leads to the child sucking on their fingers, a blanket, a stuffed animal or their thumb. Usually, this habit is given up by age 4. If it continues, it can be extremely detrimental to the development of their teeth and jaws causing crooked teeth, an incorrect bite, speech problems and/or open-mouth breathing. This habit may result in psychological trauma if it continues into school age when the other children tease them.

What should a parent do? If possible, try to switch them to a properly designed pacifier that fits the shape of the mouth. Pacifiers are less likely to create the same developmental problems [by distributing forces over greater area], are usually discarded by the child at an earlier age and are easier to hide than a thumb. If the thumb sucking is during the day, discuss the problem with them to discourage the habit. Placing a band-aid on their thumb as a reminder may help. Be positive and praise them when they remember. And reward them for their success.

It is more difficult to control thumb sucking when the child is asleep, because the child is unaware of this involuntary action. So, try this habit-breaking technique that is usually successful within two weeks. Before your child goes to bed, wrap a 2-inch wide ace bandage lightly around their fully extended arm [straight]. Start about 3 inches from their armpit and continue down past the elbow. This will not prevent your child from putting their thumb into their mouth. However, as soon as they fall asleep, the tension created by bending the elbow will pull the thumb from their mouth.

If your child is still sucking on their thumb or anything else by the time their permanent teeth erupt [around age 6], please call it to the attention of our office.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Dr, 200A
Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328
(404) 256-3620


What a great day to share your smile!

Hammock in the water
Sharing your smile with your life

Our goal is to educate patients about the importance of oral health, its advances and you how the right smile can change your life.  But on a day like to day (sunny and 84), like the bumper sticker says, I’d rather be at the beach. So as I much as I love educating, you need to be outside enjoying this beautiful day.  Have a great day and check back with us after you’ve experienced the beautiful sunshine. Dr. S.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta, GA 30328


The Right Smile Center | Dentists Sandy Springs, GA

Sandy Springs Dentist near meThe right smile, like all good things in life, is a collaborative effort of your input and our expertise.   We’ve found that by truly catering to our patients, your visits become more of a pleasurable experience, rather than just a necessity.

Our Sandy Springs dental office is open four days a week, but on occasion we schedule patients who need additional treatment time on Fridays.  We see emergency cases immediately and provide our patients with 24/7 access to your dentist via mobile numbers.

In addition, your entire family is welcome in our office.   We have as many as four generations in the practice.  We offer comprehensive family care coupled with modern technology, bringing what we consider to be the best of contemporary dentistry to our patients.

You’re more than a patient to us; you’re an individual with unique concerns and needs.  And you’re the reason we are here.  Zoey, Hanna and I are dedicated to taking the time to learn about you and your needs, and then and only then develop a practical treatment plan to create the right smile. We’ll discuss options and explain procedures, which may involve multiple of techniques and disciplines.

Your smile is the first thing people notice and our goal is to help you smile.  But we want to make sure it’s the right smile, one that’s natural and comfortable for you.  If you have questions, please ask. And if we can do anything to make you more comfortable, let us know. We are here to serve you and we have a history of making oral healthcare easy and convenient for your lifestyle.

The long and the short is “I love what I do and I can’t do it without you”.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Hello world! I’m a prosthodontist

Welcome to The Right Smile Center! I’m excited to talk cosmetic dentistry and oral health care.

Your smile is the first thing people notice and our goal is to help you smile.  But we want to make sure it’s the right smile, one that’s natural and comfortable for you.  If you have questions, please ask. And if we can do anything to make you more comfortable, let us know. We are here to serve you and we have a history of making oral healthcare easy and convenient for your lifestyle.

The long and the short is ‘I love what I do and I can’t do it without you”.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328
