Dentist Sandy Springs: How to Find a Quality Dentist

Finding the right dentist:

Drs. Scheinfeld, Scheinfeld & Orland1.  Searching the internet is probably the number one method used to verify who your trusted family members, friends and co-workers recommend to you.  If you search the internet, look for the number of reviews (20 or 450 reviews) and the timeliness of the reviews (i.e. how current are they).

2.  Some suggest you ask your family doctor, but in today’s world a) your doctor can’t be reached and b) he really doesn’t have a clue, so forget that route.

3.  Contacting your local or state dental society for a referral will probably be a waste of time, but if you are going to go that route, my associate of 24+ years was the past President of the Georgia Dental Association.   Look him up, Dr. Sidney Tourial.  Search the Internet or look under “dentists” or “associations” for the dental society nearest you.

4.  Call your nearest dental school clinic.  Really, that’s about as good as calling your doctor.

5.  Consult the American Dental Association’s member directory.  I guess, but almost every dentist belongs to the ADA.  So how do you distinguish among the 170,000 dentists in the U.S.?

6.  Ask your current dentist for a referral if you are moving to a new area.  That actually makes sense.  Ask him or her if they wouldn’t mind checking out a few names you have narrowed it down to.

What to Look For in a Dentist:

7.  How long have they been in business?  We’ve been in business since I graduated my prosthodontics residency from Emory University in 1988.

8.  Determine how accessible the dentist is: Is his or her office near your home or job? If you work, somewhere between home and near work seem to make the most sense.

9.  How hard is it to get the appointment times you need to fit into your work schedule or other members of your family’s schedule?

10. Survey the office to make sure it is clean and well-kept. We offer complimentary (free) consultations, so it doesn’t cost you anything to look at the office and our staff.

11.  Look for pleasant, respectful interactions between dentist and staff.  Again, we offer free consultations, so it cost you nothing to check us out.

12.  Consult with the dentist about your dental history and problems, and decide whether you like the way he or she explains preventive measures and treatments.  Realistically, we are going to be on our best behavior, but again realistically, how many group practices have associates for 24+ years who was the President of the GDA?   And my newest associates are my two wonderful daughters.

13.  Ask about fees, payment and insurance plans. We both want to know about each other.  I want to know what your expectations and circumstances are and you want to know whether or not I am delivering a service that you value and trust.

14.  Find out whether your dentist provides a way for you to receive emergency, after-hours care.  Of course we do.  We give out our cell phones.

15.  Ask what sorts of continuing education he or she has pursued to keep up with new developments in dentistry.  Quite frankly, I am a prosthodontist, and there only 3200 prosthodontist out of 170,000 dentists in the country.  It’s a pretty rigorous post graduate program and very few dentists choose to put themselves through the process.  I am constantly taking courses and attending study groups to either validate what I am doing or learn new techniques.

If we can be of service or answer any of questions please feel free to contact us.  Also, visit our website.  It’s long and what some say wordy, but we are attempting to be informative and put in writing as much as one can tolerate on the internet.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


Dentist Sandy Springs: Amazing Dental Implants

Implant dentist near meDental Implants are actually an amazing procedure that give you a second chance for your teeth!

The Benefits and Advantages of Implants:

  • Longevity and reliability with proper oral hygiene and care. Scientifically tested and approved dental implant systems have been shown to last as long as 20 years or more with few or no complications.
  • Increased self-confidence. Because they function like natural teeth, most people who get them experience a renewed sense of self-confidence.
  • Improved biting pressure. Healthy teeth are able to absorb over 300 pounds of biting pressure per square inch. If you have worn dentures for long time, that pressure may be diminished to one-tenth that of natural teeth. Dental implants can restore the amount of pressure that can be withstood to nearly the same level of healthy natural teeth.
  • Comfort and fit. Because your replacement teeth are anchored securely in your bone, they won’t slip or slide like unsecured dentures can.

Call today and make an appointment at one of our offices in Sandy Springs or Chamblee for a free consultation to see whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Dentist Sandy Springs: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain VeneersYou want a dazzling smile without gaps, chips, or stains?  Usually, after just two visits, you can look forward to enjoying a brand new, natural-looking smile for years to come.

How’s this possible? With porcelain veneers. Designed just for you, veneers are made of durable porcelain and placed over the front of your teeth, enhancing their appearance and, in the process, boosting your self-confidence.  How do you think all those movie stars got those great smiles?  With a cosmetic prosthodontist and veneers.

The Right Smile in Two Visits[1]

Your first visit with allows us to talk to you about your smile.  As we get to know you and what you have in mind, we can create a plan that takes into consideration your overall appearance, including the shade of your teeth as well as the contours of your face. We’ll also make an impression of your teeth and gums, which our lab will work from to design your permanent veneers.

Your first appointment ends with prepping your teeth for the temporary veneers you’ll wear in the meantime. Your next appointment is all about fitting you with your permanent ones. Once they’re in place, you can leave our office with a more natural, more esthetically pleasing smile than you’ve ever had.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

To find out more about porcelain veneers or to schedule a consultation visits with Dr. Scheinfeld, call or email us today. Our office is conveniently located at the top of the perimeter in Sandy Springs.

Everyone loves a bright smile.  With porcelain veneers, it’s possible to finally have the dazzling smile you’ve been dreaming of.

The Right Smile For Your Lifestyle

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


[1] There are occasions when circumstances dictate addition visits.  As an example, you may need to whitening your surrounding teeth to match the shade you desire.

Sandy Springs Dentist Novy Scheinfeld is a Prosthodontist.

Sandy Springs Dentist Novy Scheinfeld is a Prosthodontist.

Check out over 450 unedited reviews at
Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A
Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328

Related articles
• Top Atlanta Prosthodontist – Novy Scheinfeld, DDS (
• Dentist Sandy Springs – ADA Accredited Prosthodontist is Your Cosmetic Dentist (
• Atlanta Dentist: A Beautiful Smile by a Prosthodontist Is Priceless (

Dentist Sandy Springs: Public Perception of Oral Health Care

ToothbrushPerception and reality of oral health as it relates to one’s global health are as misaligned as teeth in Great Britain.  The American Dental Association, in collaboration with Crest and Oral-B conducted a national public opinion survey of 1,000 Americans age 18 and older[1] on oral health care.

Here are some of their findings:[2]

  1. While eight of 10 Americans say taking care of one’s mouth, teeth and gums is “absolutely needed,” only one-third of them say they do an “excellent” job  taking care of them.
  2. One parent in four says his or her kids do only a “fair” or “poor” job taking care of their own mouth, teeth and gums.
  3. Americans deem the smile the most important physical attribute but do not realize a beautiful smile is not always a healthy smile and can mask underlying oral health problems.  More than one in three Americans say:
  • They think a little bleeding from brushing is normal (33%), yet it’s not.  It could be a sign of gum disease or something even worse.
  • They are unaware that periodontal disease needs to be treated and cannot be left alone (33%).
  • They don’t know that poor oral health has been associated with serious health conditions such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes (37%).

It’s apparent and disappointing that Americans in these segments of the population need continued oral health education beyond high school.   One of the difficulties dentists face is a failure of our education system to bridge the gap where parental responsibility lacks in teaching children the value and relationship of oral health to their global health[3].

If we can answer any of your questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


[1] Apparently with emphasis on African Americans, Hispanics and low-income Americans.

[2] Conducted by GFK Roper Public Affairs & Media, 2008

The Healing Dentist

I think that all doctors should let patients know what is the best way to prevent disease and become a “loyal” patient. For example, cardiologists should advize especially healthy people what they should do to not need seeing a cardiologist such as exercise, control diabetes, maintain a healthy weight, and get preventive checkups.

Here’s what I would recommend:
1. Do see your dentist for regular checkups.
2. Brush and floss. That plaque buildup leads to decay, gingivitis, tartar buildup.
3. Eat a healthy diet. No matter how well you do all of the above or use fluoride, if your nutrition is high in processed foods and acidic drinks, your teeth will decay.

Other important issues: control your diabetes, stop smoking, watch alcohol consumption. Work to control gum disease, if any. If you are a parent, get your oral health in check as cavities can be spread from parents to children…

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J.C. Duncan DDS FAGD

Tobacco and oral health

Tobacco is one of the greatest public health challenges the world faces today. Every year over 4.9 million deaths are caused by tobacco. By 2030, unless there are dramatic reductions in tobacco use, that number will rise to 10 million deaths annually. There is overwhelming evidence showing that tobacco use causes many diseases, including stroke; heart attack; chronic bronchitis; chronic cough; asthma; cold; and cancer of the lungs, throat, mouth, stomach, kidney and bladder. Half of all regular smokers die of a condition caused by smoking.


Tobacco related diseases are increasing, especially in the developing countries which are experiencing the highest increase in the rate of tobacco use. It is estimated that tobacco will be the leading cause of death in the world by the third decade of this century, causing more deaths than HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, maternal mortality, automobile crashes, homicides and suicides combined.


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Dr. Leslie Greenberg's Blog

The prevalence of oral human papillomavirus is nearly three times higher in men than in women. You may ask “Why does this matter?”… oral HPV infection causes a subset or oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).

Litle tidbits.

  • HPV type 16 is the subtype of HPV associated with OSCC.
  • The peak prevalence of oral HPV occurred in people aged 30-34 (7.3%) and 60-64 years (11.4).
  • The risk increased significantly as the number of sex partners for any type of sex increased.
  • Cigarette smoking increases risk of oral HPV infection.
  • The incidence of HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers increases 225% between 1988 and 2004.

Studies are needed to test HPV vaccines against oral HPV infections.

Source: JAMA 2012; 307

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