Roswell Dentist: How much do dental fillings cost?

Roswell Dentist near me

and Why?

The cost of a filling can vary greatly, depending on who you go to, the type of filling and degree of restoration required.   An amalgam (“mercury filling”) is cheaper than a composite (white/resin filling), but will last significantly longer if you are unconcerned about the back and forth debate over whether or not amalgams may be linked to other health issues.  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA) found there is no danger from an amalgam filling, but some specialists and consumers remain unconvinced by the findings.

You can find out our range of costs with a free consultation.

While costs vary from one area to the next and from one office to the next, the cost of typical amalgam filling ranges from approximately $75 to $175 per filling, whereas a composite resin filling ranges from $125 to $300 for a single surface restoration.  You should expect about 3 to five years (possibly 7 years) of use from the composite and as many as 20 years or longer from an amalgam restoration.  Actually a well-cared-for amalgam filling can last a lifetime, so the expensiveness of the filling really becomes a minor consideration.

Restorative circumstances are going to vary from tooth to tooth and decay may be found in one small spot or throughout a tooth. The restorative fees are based on the number of surfaces needing filling in a single tooth.  A silver amalgam filling on one or two surfaces averages $75 to $175, while for three or more surfaces it could go as high as $120 to $300 or more.  The same type of logic follows with respect to composite restorations.  Since composite resin fillings are more time consuming and require greater skills to completion they are more expensive than amalgam fillings and weigh in on the more expensive side of caries restorations.

Typically dental insurance covers most or all of the costs of a silver amalgam filling, but only 50 to 80 percent of the cost of a composite filling because the higher charge for the tooth-colored material is considered a cosmetic option. One exception is when an old amalgam filling is cracked or broken and is replaced with a composite filling.

Our dentists will be advising you of the type of filling based on the size of the cavity and the location of the tooth in your mouth.  Amalgams are more likely to be placed in the back of your mouth while composites are more likely to be used on more-visible front teeth. gives an overview of typical filling procedures and lists pros and cons of different types of fillings.

Amalgam Advantages

  • Amalgam fillings are strong and can withstand the forces of chewing.
  • They are relatively inexpensive and last a long time, compared with alternatives.
  • An amalgam filling is completed in one dental visit.

Amalgam Disadvantages

  • Amalgam doesn’t match the color of your teeth.
  • Healthy parts of your tooth often must be removed to make a space large enough to hold an amalgam filling.
  • Amalgam fillings can corrode or tarnish over time, causing discoloration where the filling meets the tooth.
  • A traditional amalgam filling does not bond (stick) to your tooth, so the cavity preparation developed by your dentist requires undercuts or ledges to provide retention of the filling.  We may have to remove additional tooth structure to establish good retention for the filling.  
  • Some people may be allergic to mercury or be concerned about its effects, although research shows the amount of mercury exposure from fillings is similar to what people get from other sources in the environment.

Composite Advantages

  • Your fillings will match the color of your teeth and therefore undetectable.
  • A filling should be completed in one dental visit.
  • Composite fillings can bond directly to the tooth, making the tooth stronger than it would be with an amalgam filling.
  • Less drilling is involved than with amalgam fillings because your dentist does not have to shape the space as much to hold the filling securely.  The bonding process holds the composite resin in the tooth.
  • Indirect composite fillings are heat and light cured increasing their strength.
  • Composite resin can be used in combination with other materials, such as glass ionomer, to provide the benefits of both materials.

Composite Disadvantages

  • Although composite resins have become stronger and more resistant to wear, they generally don’t last as long as amalgam fillings under the pressure of chewing.
  • The composite may shrink when placed; this can lead to more cavities in the future in areas where the filling is not making good contact with your tooth.
  • This restoration takes more time and skill to place because they are usually placed in layers. The increased time and labor involved also contribute to the higher cost (compared with amalgam fillings).
  • Indirect fillings and inlays take at least two visits to complete. Your dentist takes impressions at the first visit and places the filling or inlay at the second visit.
  • In large restorations, composites may not last as long as amalgam fillings.

The trick is to find a qualified, well trained dentist, and that requires you to educate yourself about the dentist you choose and a basic knowledge about dentistry.  If we can be of service or answer any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

Howard Abrahams, DDS

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


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Roswell Dentist: Dentistry Today

Some Perceptions Never Change

 Roswell Dentist near meIt seems like no matter how far we have come in the world of modern dentistry the perception of the dentist has not changed much since the days of the old west where the barber put his foot in your chest and yanked out your tooth.

Research by the British Dental Health Foundation suggests that visiting the dentist makes people more nervous than snakes or spiders.[1]The research echoes a March 2011, Adult Dental Health Survey which revealed half of adults – especially women – were classified as having moderate to extreme dental anxiety.[2]

In a survey of 1004 people, the Foundation found what made them most nervous from a list including heights, flying, injections, doctors, snakes, spiders, going to hospital or visiting the dentist was visiting the dentist.[3] Over one in five people ranked visiting their dentist as the thing that made them most nervous – more than any other category.

 Overall, statistically:

 1. Heights topped the poll of biggest fears

2. Closely followed by visiting the dentist

3. Going to the hospital

4. Snakes were rated fourth

5. Spiders came fifth.

In comparison to physicians, dentists also struggled. The Foundation discovered that nearly 10 times as many people (22 per cent) were made most nervous by their dentist, as compared to their physician (two per cent). The Adult Dental Health Survey points to two dental treatments in particular as the main cause of these nerves: three out of ten (30 per cent) adults said that having a tooth drilled would make them very or extremely anxious. A similar number (28 per cent) of people reported equivalent levels of anxiety about having a local anesthetic injection.

Dr. Nigel Carter, Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said: “Everyone in the profession knows that dental anxiety is a major barrier for many people to visit their dentist.”  What may prove concerning is just how poorly the dental profession rates in comparison to doctors. The comparison with snakes and spiders may appear frivolous, but it does suggest dentists still have a lot of work to do to build public confidence.  Unfortunately, in modern dentistry the gap between reality and perception is the Grand Canyon, because there really is no modern reason to fear your dentist.  All of the old procedures are now performed with great comfort and no pain to patient.

Dr. Novy Scheinfeld is a trained prosthodontist with her post-graduate degree from Emory University School of Dentistry.  She has been chosen as one of America’s Top Dentists multiple times. What we want you to understand is your visit to our team is going to be OK. There is no need to worry. So call now for an appointment.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Scheinfeld Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



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[2] Adult Dental Health Survey 2009, the Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Published March 2011.


[3] British Dental Health Foundation. Sample Size: 1004.

Roswell Dentist: Dental Implants are….

Your Natural Choice in Tooth Replacement.

 Roswell Dentist near meWhenever a tooth is lost, if the bone structure will allow, it should be replaced with an implant.  Failure to replace the tooth with an implant will ultimately contribute to the loss of facial bone structure.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, which represent an alternative to dentures or bridgework.  The advantages vary from patient to patient and type of restoration but in addition to retained bone structure there should be improved chewing ability, better speech, a more secure fit of the restoration, greater comfort, and improved self-esteem.

The implant itself is made from Titanium and is surgically implanted in the jawbone to function in a similar way to a natural tooth root. Because every patient is unique, it may be necessary for the implant to heal in the jawbone for a period of 3 to 6 months, which allows your bone to grow onto the implant in a process called Osseo-integration.

Once integrated, the implant (TMI) is then exposed from the gum tissue, and a restoration consisting of one or more replacement teeth, is fabricated by the prosthodontist to fit on top of the implants.  In other cases it is possible to fit the teeth to the implants soon after implant placement, called immediate loading implants.

The restoration can be attached in several ways:

In the case of dentures, an implant-supported overdenture fits more securely than a conventional denture which rests on the gum tissue and offers no form of mechanical attachment.  The difference is the implants participate integrally in retaining bone structure in the jaw line.

Where a single tooth is lost, adjacent healthy teeth can often remain intact and unaffected by an implant-supported restoration.  This is unlike conventional bridgework where two healthy teeth are structurally altered to support the bridge.

Implants are usually placed under local anesthesia in our Sandy Springs office.  The procedure involved in placing the implants is generally not painful and usually requires minimal recovery time and post-operative medication.

Our dentist can tell whether you’re a candidate for dental implants.  Certain health conditions (like uncontrolled diabetes) or risk factors (like smoking) may preclude your ability to undergo implant therapy.  In addition, appropriate hygiene must be established prior to implant therapy and must be maintained to ensure the long-term success of the implant.   If we can be of assistance or answer any of your concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld Bock, MS, DMS

Hanna Scheinfeld Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




Dentist Sandy Springs: Cavities are Contagious

Dentist near me“Oh my gosh, my first two cavities!  I don’t get it; I’ve gone all these years without a cavity.  And I brush and floss every day.  What in the world happened?”

We hear this quite often and as hard as it is to believe, it’s not what you’re eating and not what you’re doing with your oral health care.

Candy and cookies aren’t the only cavity culprits: tooth decay can actually be contagious. That’s because cavities result from bacteria hanging around in your mouth—and these germs can be passed from person to person.  So perhaps, it’s who you’re dating – or rather, who you’re kissing.  It’s a noted problem in young children; they can pick up cavities when, for example, their mothers taste their food to check the temperature.

It’s also an issue among dating couples. There are instances, where a patient in her 40’s who had never had a cavity suddenly developed two cavities and was starting to get some gum disease.   As it turns out she’d just started dating a guy who had very poor oral care habits.  The best way to avoid a similar fate is to floss and brush often, and try chewing sugar free gum after your immediate contact, all of which are designed to stimulate saliva, which hopefully will rinse away the germs.

Give us a call.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld Bock, MS, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd

Chamblee, GA 30341


The Advantage to Private Practice Dentistry

Sandy Springs Dentist near meAt The Right Smile Center private practice dentistry offers several advantages both for dentists and patients:

Personalized Care: In our private practice setting, our dentists have the opportunity to establish long-term relationships with our patients. This allows for more personalized care tailored to each patient’s specific needs, preferences, and medical history. Plus you know who will be there when you come back.

Flexibility and Autonomy: Our Dentists in private practice have more control over the schedules, treatment protocols, and practice management decisions. This flexibility enables us to innovate, adapt to new technologies, and provide the highest quality of care based on our expertise and judgment. We are own decision makers, not so corporate banker.

Investment in Technology and Infrastructure: Our private practice has the resources to invest in state-of-the-art technology and equipment, which can lead to more accurate diagnoses, faster treatment times, and better outcomes for our patients.

Focus on Preventive Care: In our private practice dentists can prioritize preventive care and patient education, aiming to address oral health issues before they become more serious and costly to treat. This proactive approach improves overall oral health and reduces the need for extensive dental procedures.

Patient Choice and Convenience: Patients have the freedom to choose our dentist based on factors such as location, reputation, and compatibility. Additionally, The Right Smile Center offers more flexible appointment scheduling and extended hours to accommodate patients’ busy lifestyles.

Overall, private practice dentistry in The Right Smile Center fosters a patient-centered approach to dental care, allowing our dentists to deliver high-quality, personalized services while maintaining professional autonomy and innovation. We would love to provide you with the care you need. Contact us now!

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



And does it matter?

Best Dentist near meDental Service Organizations (DSOs), otherwise known as CORPORATE DENTISTRY,  have garnered attention in recent years for their rapid expansion and consolidation of dental practices.

While some argue that DSOs provide benefits such as economies of scale and streamlined administrative processes, others highlight their negative impacts on the dental profession.

One major concern is the potential erosion of the dentist’s autonomy and clinical decision-making. As DSOs acquire more practices, they appear to implement standardized treatment protocols and productivity quotas, potentially compromising the quality of patient care and undermining the professional judgment of individual dentists. Ultimately, this undermines patient care.

Furthermore, critics argue that the growth of DSOs contributes to the commodification of dentistry, prioritizing profit margins over patient welfare. This profit-driven approach can lead to pressure on corporate dentists to prioritize high-volume, lucrative and unnecessary procedures rather than focusing on comprehensive patient-centered care.

Additionally, the rise of DSOs will exacerbate disparities in access to care, as they often target affluent urban areas, leaving rural and underserved communities with fewer independent dental practices. As DSOs continue to reshape the landscape of dentistry, it’s crucial to carefully consider their impact on the profession, patient outcomes, and access to quality care.

We are a family owned private practice you can trust. If we can free you from corporate dentistry and truly provide you with the oral care and cosmetic dentistry you want, contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld Bock, MS, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




Best dentist near meIt would be inaccurate and unfair to categorize insurance companies as the enemy of dentistry. However, there are certainly challenges and complexities in the relationship between dental practitioners and insurance providers, portraying insurance companies as adversaries overlooks the broader purpose they serve in healthcare.

Insurance companies play a vital role in helping individuals afford necessary dental care by spreading the financial risk among a larger pool of people. Without insurance, many patients would struggle to afford routine check-ups, treatments for dental issues, or emergency procedures, leading to more significant health problems in the long run.

But tensions arise between dentists and insurance companies due to declining reimbursement rates, unnecessary bureaucratic processes, and disconnected coverage limitations. All of these combined, make providing quality oral care very difficult while adding nothing to the patient’s health.

Dentists often face constraints on the treatments they can provide based on what insurance plans fail to cover or reimburse adequately. This has created frustration and financial strain for dental practices, particularly smaller ones.

Additionally, administrative burdens associated with dealing with insurance paperwork and claims processing divert valuable time and resources away from patient care. While the relationship between dentistry and insurance is complex, it’s essential to acknowledge the role insurance plays in increasing access to dental care while also thwarting improvements in the system to better support patients.

Patient’s rights and care is something we have been fighting for for years. If we can be of assistance in your dental needs, please contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld Bock, MS, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



Dunwoody Dental: Is the Right Smile Center right for me?

Sandy Springs Dentist near me

Make the right choice in the right dental practice; choose Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC, and her two daughters, Drs. ZoAnna Bock and Hanna Orland, located in the heart of Sandy Springs, GA and Chamblee, GA.   Consider the bottom line to your self-esteem and consider being treated by an Emory trained prosthodontist.

Many people avoid smiling because they are ashamed of their teeth or unsure of how they will be received by the dentist after so many years of procrastination.  Our practice has been around for our almost 4 decades and we have over 4 generations of patients who are not ashamed of their smile.

Before Dr. Neal Kopp past away in 2008, and Sidney Tourial retired, we had over 5 decades of experience in prosthodontic dentistry.  Originally, all of us either practiced, trained or taught at Emory University’s School of Dentistry.  Cosmetic dentistry by a prosthodontic based practice involves improving the aesthetics and function of your smile with the right smile, to make you look and feel more attractive.  My daughters and I continue to carry on trusted, conservative dentistry for our patients as if you were family.

Click and see for yourself.  We have over 1000 unedited reviews by patients with real life experiences in our practice.  Don’t believe me, read what others have to say – good, bad or otherwise.  If cosmetic dentistry is right for you, then we are right for you.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


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Dentist Serving Dunwoody – Older patients have special dental needs

Dunwoody Dentist near me

Mouths, like people, are affected by years as well as by genes.

If you’re over 60, your oral chemistry is changing—and thorough examinations of gums and salivary glands can be a lifesaving early detector of oral cancer or other disease.  Older Americans are becoming a larger segment of our population and suffer disproportionately from oral diseases, with the problem being particularly acute for individuals in long term care facilities.  They generally require multiple medications, and common side effects of the more than 500 medications used to treat their overall health issues usually reduce salivary flow.[1]

As a consequence, the reduction in saliva can adversely affect their quality of life, the ability to chew, and lead to significant problems of the teeth and their supporting structures.

The elderly may also have difficulty performing routine oral hygiene procedures because of physical limitations, such as Parkinson’s or rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, oral infection is now recognized as a risk factor for a number of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, mellitus, and respiratory disorders.  Also, it is important to note that once people have lost their teeth and are using complete dentures, their oral health needs do not decrease.

Our jaws without teeth are not static and may continue to resorb over time.  Besides the continued resorption of bone, improperly fitted dentures can adversely affect chewing, leading to poor nutrition.  Also, those without teeth remain susceptible to oral cancer, mucosal diseases, and alterations in salivary gland function.

As early as 55 years old, patients are developing twice as many cavities as children do. All these health issues and their medications that create reduced saliva and cause dry mouth have become an open invitation for tooth decay and periodontal disease.  Does the patient have to make a choice between his or her general health verses their oral hygiene?  They shouldn’t have to.

What should you expect from a visit to your dental hygienist?  Along with your dental cleaning you may need professional scaling and root planing to remove harmful plaque and calculus deposits.  Your hygienist should also record the depths of your periodontal pockets (that space between your teeth and gums where decay and periodontal disease flourish).

Keeping track of you is a key part of the hygienist’s job. It includes keeping your dental chart and health history current, making preliminary oral inspections, and creating tooth impressions.

In our office, our hygienist is also an educator—someone who can teach you preventive dentistry skills—brushing and flossing techniques that make for healthy, trouble-free gums and teeth, regardless your age or your onset of other health issues. Together, you two can make an unbeatable team!

Specializing in Geriatric Patients, Dr. Scheinfeld was trained in prosthodontics at Emory University School of Dentistry. We are hear to help. Contact us now for your oral health exam.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


[1] Fox PC, Eversole LR. Diseases of the salivary glands. In: Silverman S, Eversole LR, Truelove EL, eds. Essentials of Oral Medicine. Ontario, Canada: BC Decker; 2002:260–276.


Dentist serving Dunwoody named ‘America’s Top Dentist’ in 2023

Top Dentist near meDentist serving Dunwoody, GA – Dr. Novy Scheinfeld, one of the leading Atlanta area dentists, was recently recognized by The Consumer Research Council of America as one of ‘America’s Top Dentist’ for 2023.  The Consumer’s Research Council of America is a health care advocacy organization
that strives to assist patients in getting the highest quality professional health services through extensive independent analysis.   When selecting ‘America’s Top Dentist’ recipients, the Council uses a point system that takes into consideration a dentist’s comprehensive experience, continuing education, professional association affiliation and professional training.

“Being selected as one of the top dentists in the country is an honor.  As a prosthodontist in Sandy Springs, GA, who serves much of Dunwoody, my staff and I take great pride in providing exceptional patient care, and we truly appreciate when patient advocacy organizations such as this recognize our hard work and dedication to the practice of dentistry and our patients.”

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Scheinfeld Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA  30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




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