Brookhaven Dentist Near Me – 4 Steps to Promoting Good Oral Health

Brookhaven Dentist Near Me

Good oral hygiene is important for maintaining one’s overall health.  If you believe this and you should, then there are 4 essential guidelines of preventative care to maintaining good oral health, all of which are endorsed by the American Dental Association:

1. Floss regularly and floss first- It is recommended that individuals floss on a regular basis after meals and before brushing their teeth.  The reason to floss first is to dislodge any food particles trapped in between your teeth, which can be disposed of while brushing.  The proper way to floss is to push the floss gently between your teeth to the gum to loosen debris your toothbrush cannot reach. Initially, you may experience some light bleeding but this should disappear once your gums get used to the flossing process.


2. Brushing your teeth- If you don’t have an electric toothbrush, good brushing by hand should take a minimum of 2 minutes and should involve brushing in a circular motion, which the electric toothbrush does for you.  You work your way from one side of the mouth to the other, keeping in mind to pay attention to certain neglected areas such as the very back teeth and your tongue. Dentists recommend using soft bristle brushes and toothpaste that contain fluoride.  The fluoride is important, because the rise in the consumption of bottled water has led to the population’s decline in fluoride intake.


3. Mouthwash- I am not sure how effective this is, but if you’re not going to brush twice a day, using a mouthwash that contains fluoride at least twice a day is a good preventative measure that kills the bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease.  Given recent research, you might want to choose a non-alcohol based rinse.


4. Your Dental visits- Maintaining your oral health requires regular dental visits at least every six months.  You need to do this for early detection of potential global health problems that could develop into more serious issues and the hygienist can clean areas that might have been missed or that were resistant to the 3 steps above.

Finally, Finding a Dentist that is Right for You

Research shows that your dental care is an important aspect of your overall general health care.  So you need to make sure you find a dentist that is right for you. This can be a difficult process.  Look for someone who’s competent and you feel comfortable with, one you can have a collaborative relationship with. This is important because there are conditions and problems that were not discussed in this article that the dentist will need to pay attention to during your regular checkups. Hopefully after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of the basics for good oral health.   I you have questions or concerns feel free to contact or call.

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341




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Brookhaven Dentist: How Much Do Dental X-rays Cost?

A single dental x-ray would cost between $28-38. Four check-up or bitewing x-rays may cost between $60-80, and a full mouth series (18 x-rays) or panoramic x-ray would cost between $100-200. If it’s a new practice or mature one that is trying to build or rebuild its patient base, often the x-rays will bundled with an examination that ends up costing the patient virtually nothing.  Most dental insurance covers x-rays at 100%. It is usually considered a diagnostic or preventive service.

If you are a new patient, the dentist should take x-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and to help identify changes that may occur later.  They give your dentist a baseline of your present condition.  A new set of x-rays  helps us detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth. If your previous dentist has any radiographs of you, we would ask you for copies of them.Brookhaven Dentist Near Me x-rays

We take four bitewings (which show us in between the back teeth to check for cavities).

Sometimes we take a full series of images (18 images or so…which show us cavities plus also shows us bone levels and nerve health).

A panoramic image is a single image of the entire upper and lower arch. This requires a different machine and can cost $125-175 or more. It shows the entire mouth on one image.

Many diseases of the oral cavity (which includes the teeth and surrounding tissues and bone) cannot be seen when the dentist visually examines your mouth.

Dental x-rays are used to diagnose or detect tooth decay, impacted teeth, jaw problems, abscessed (infected) teeth, or current filling placement.  An x-ray exam can help your dentist see the small areas of decay between the teeth and fillings; bone damage from a tooth infection or cyst; bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease; developmental defects; some types of tumors; the effects of trauma; and the position on unerupted teeth in children and adults.  Dental x-rays can also reveal bone loss from periodontal (gum) disease, locate tarter build-up, find foreign bodies within the gum or bone, and see if there is enough bone for the placement of dental implants.

Finding and treating dental problems at an early stage can save time, money and unneeded discomfort and help prevent more serious health problems.  A good dentist will tailor a treatment plan to your finances, altering the ideal treatment as much as possible to help you be able to afford it.  If we can be of help, please do hesitate to call, email or make an appointment to be seen.

Right Smile Center

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

Howard Abrahams, DDS

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Sandy Springs, GA 30328


Brookhaven Dentist Near Me: How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Brookhaven Dentist Near MeThe cost of having a root canal done depends upon where you live, the type of dentist and whether or not you have dental insurance.  The procedure can be done by a specialist  (endodontist), but can be performed in our office.  The procedure can range anywhere from $900 to 1500.00 depending on the tooth location and the number of root canals involved.  The diagnosis will require an initial x-ray, which can be performed in our office and forwarded to the endodontist’s office if necessary.    If you have insurance it will usually cover about half to eighty percent of the cost.  One of the added costs to a root canal that should be taken into account is either an amalgam (or composite) or crown restoration of the tooth by your general dentist upon completion of the procedure.

The root canal involves opening the tooth and removing the pulp of the tooth, which contains the tooth nerve that’s causing you so much pain.  What necessitates the procedure is the root of the tooth being infected and no known treatment to preserve the nerve from further deterioration.  The two most common causes of infection of the pulp are deep cavities and fractures or broken teeth. As treatment, the pulp tissue is removed, the root is cleaned with files and filled with an inorganic material that keeps bacteria out of the root and tooth.   Generally, a root/nerve involved tooth only gets worse over time without treatment.  And the longer you wait, sometimes results in the loss of the entire tooth.

Prices don’t always reflect the quality of your treatment.  Having a sense of trust in your dentist will usually result in the referral to an endodontist that’s also worth trusting.  If we can be of service or you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or by email.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Chamblee Dentist: How Much is a Good Dentist Worth?

We have over 400 unedited five star reviews of Dr. Novy Scheinfeld and her daughters at

Chamblee dentist near meDr. Scheinfeld is an Emory  University trained prosthodontist treating 4 generations of patients from  Acworth, Woodstock, Kennesaw, Vinings, Marietta, East Cobb, Smyrna, Roswell, Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Norcross, Buckhead and Midtown.  Her daughters practice in Chamblee and Sandy Springs, GA.

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Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



Brookhaven Dentist near me: How much do teeth cleanings cost?

Brookhaven Dentist near meAll during the month of December in our Chamblee office, X-rays are free with your teeth cleaning.  That’s a savings of up to $125.00.  So for $89.99, you get your teeth cleaned and x-ray’d.  Get treated by a trained specialist to ensure the finest care possible.  We want an opportunity to show you what quality dental care is truly about.  You deserve the best in oral health care.  Call today for an appointment:  770-455-6076.  Mention prom code December2017/mas

Right Smile Center

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Chamblee Dentist: How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

Chamblee Dentist near meIf for some reason you are unable to be treated with a dental implant then the dental bridge is your best alternative.  The cost of a bridge varies depending on the type of bridge and complexity of the bridge required[1], the expertise of your dentist and the area of town in which the procedure is performed. Typically a dental bridge cost ranges from $900-1400 per tooth which is about the same cost of a dental implant in our Sandy Springs office. Dental insurance will typically pay a percentage of the fee, usually half, depending on the individual dental plan.

It is important to keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong as the success of the bridge (depending on the type selected) depends on the solid foundation offered by the surrounding teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. Our dental hygienist can demonstrate how to properly brush and floss your teeth. Keeping a regular cleaning schedule will help diagnose problems at an early stage when treatment has a better prognosis.  With proper care a dental bridges can last 5 to 15 years and ev

Dental Bridge dentist near me

en longer. With good oral hygiene and regular checkups, it is not unusual for the life span of a fixed bridge to be over 10 years.

Dental care on a whole is often considered expensive. However, depending upon the general wear and tear a bridge is exposed to and how well you keep your teeth free of plaque, it could last indefinitely.  With somewhere between 10 years and indefinitely, the investment becomes rather modest, if not inexpensive.


In the alternative, if the cost escalates, you might want to consider a single dental implant with a cost of around $4000 to $6000.[2]  The benefit on an implant over your lifetime could be less expensive than a bridge and is the more natural state of the art replacement of a missing tooth.   If we can be of service or answer any of your questions please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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[1] Is should be noted that both location of the missing tooth, the number of teeth involved or missing or whether there are virgin teeth or repaired teeth in front or behind the missing teeth come into play in the decision making process.

[2] The recommended standard of care for a single tooth missing is a single unit implant.  However, there are limiting factors, including insurance coverage that come into play in the decision making process.

Chamblee Dentist Near Me: Top 4 Reasons Not to play hooky from Your Dental Cleanings

Chamblee Dentist Near MeSure, regular cleanings with our office promotes good oral hygiene, but did you know these visits also screen for a multitude of diseases? Getting your teeth cleaned and having your doctor’s exam may not rank up there with an afternoon on the course or ditching work to enjoy a matinee, but it may be well worth it for your overall health.

4 really good reasons to see your dentist regularly:

  1. It’s an opportunity to check for Oral Cancer. You may or may not realize that you’re screened for oral cancer during your regular dental cleaning but you are. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, an American dies of oral cancer every hour of every day. It’s a sad proposition, especially when you consider that it is highly curable with early diagnosis.
  2. Your gums are being checked for Gum Disease. Gum disease, or an infection in the gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place, is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. It can be treated and reversed if diagnosed early. Unfortunately, not receiving treatment will lead to a more serious and advanced state of gum disease. Regular cleanings and check-ups along with daily brushing and flossing are key defenses against gum disease.
  3. Your overall health. Studies have linked heart attacks, diabetes detection and strokes to gum disease associated with poor oral hygiene.  A trip to your dentist at least every 6 months and in some cases more often, could reduce your risk of other serious health issues.
  4. Early detection of Dental Problems. We’ve already touched upon early detection of gum disease and oral cancer, but don’t overlook more basic dental problems. Cavities and broken fillings are easy to treat. Without regular check-ups, undetected problems can lead to more serious issues like root canals, gum surgery and tooth extraction.   An ounce of prevention verses a pound of cure.

So you haven’t been keeping up with what current research has to say about caring for your teeth.  That’s why check-ups allow our dentist to examine your mouth and keep you on the right path.  If it’s been more than 6 months since your last check up and cleaning, call your dentist to schedule an appointment today.  If we can be of any help or answer any questions please feel free to drop us a line.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC             

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road,

Chamblee, GA 30341


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Sandy Springs Dentist Near Me: Sleep Apnea Treatment

sandy springs dentist near meSleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep. If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you know it’s more than your sleep that is affected by your snoring.

Disruptions in sleep can be caused by a variety of issues, from teeth grinding (bruxism) to night terrors. When a person suffers from difficulty in sleeping with no obvious cause, it is referred to as insomnia.[1]  Additional health issues may also include:

·        Heart problems

·        Strokes

·        High blood pressure

·        Diabetes

While you sleep, your throat relaxes. This relaxation allows the tongue and soft palate to collapse and block your airway. Eventually, your airflow stops. When your oxygen level drops, your brain moves out of deep sleep and signals you to wake up. The airway contracts, opens and the obstruction in your throat clears. Airflow starts again, usually with a loud gasp. You fall back into a deep sleep and the process starts all over again.

It’s the combination of low oxygen levels and interrupted sleep that is the major contributor to most of the problems associated with sleep apnea.  Estimates are if left untreated sleep apnea can shorten the average life span by 5 to 10 years.

Treatments for sleep disorders generally can be grouped into four categories:

·        behavioral/ psychotherapeutic treatments

·        rehabilitation/management

·        medications

·        other somatic treatments


Many people who suffer from sleep apnea will be told to wear a CPAP (continuing positive airway pressure) machine, designed to create a continuum of positive airway pressure while you sleep. Unfortunately, the CPAP mask is uncomfortable which often results in discontinued use.


To help those with sleep apnea we recommend a snore appliance (oral appliance therapy). The oral appliance is a custom-made mouthpiece that shifts the lower jaw forward, opening up the airway. OAT is usually successful in patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.[2] 

 Professionally fitted, it prevents the tongue, soft palate and the jaw from blocking your airway while you sleep, thus reducing snoring and the dangerous effects of sleep apnea.

 If you or someone you know are having issues with snoring please make an appointment with our dentist for help.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


Related articles


[1] Hirshkowitz, Max (2004). “Chapter 10, Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Sleep and Sleep Disorders (pp 315-340)”. In Stuart C. Yudofsky and Robert E. Hales, editors (Google Books preview includes entire chapter 10). Essentials of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences (4 ed.). Arlington, Virginia, USA: American Psychiatric Publishing. Retrieved 2009-12-06. “…insomnia is a symptom. It is neither a disease nor a specific condition. (from p. 322)”

[2] Machado MA, Juliano L, Taga M, de Carvalho LB, do Prado LB, do Prado GF (December 2007). “Titratable mandibular repositioner appliances for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: are they an option?”. Sleep & Breathing 11 (4): 225–31.

Sandy Springs Dentist Near Me: Cosmetic Dentistry Helps Self-Esteem of Children

Cosmetic Dentistry Near MeMom, children with damaged, discolored or missing teeth sometimes have problems with self-esteem that can be improved through aesthetic dentistry.

 When a child has lost one or more front teeth, the dentist can replace these teeth with an aesthetic maintainer. The artificial teeth can be placed onto a removable or cemented dental appliance. Also, dentists can apply aesthetic veneers, or plastic facings, on discolored primary front teeth.

 For mildly or moderately decayed front and back teeth, dentists now are able to place tooth-colored (composite) dental fillings. These materials have been dramatically improved and eventually, dentists no longer will need to place silver fillings. These tooth-colored fillings are bonded to the tooth surface and they are not only beautiful but strong as well.

 For severely decayed front and back teeth, silver-colored dental crowns no longer are the norm. Dentists now have tooth-colored plastic and porcelain materials that can be used to cover the entire surface of the tooth to restore both function and aesthetics. Some of these crowns have metal linings but still have tooth-colored facings that allow for beautiful aesthetic restorations.  With E4D crowns, the metal linings can be completely eliminated.

 Many children benefit dramatically from aesthetic dental care on their primary teeth. Be sure to consult with your dentist if you have questions about whether aesthetic dentistry is right for your child.  In our Chamblee and  Sandy Springs office we can be of service by giving us contact for a complimentary consultation.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


Chamblee Dentist – Myth #1: Root Canal Therapy Is Painful, Wrong!


Chamblee Dentist Near Me Root Canal therapyThere are few phrases that invoke as much fear and anxiety as these words from your dentist, “you need a root canal.”  Where does this anxiety come from?  In his state of the union address, President Obama said of the bail out, “I hated it.  You hated it.  It was as popular as a root canal.”   Clearly, root canals are not very popular.  The endodontist, a dentist who has two years of residency training in, among other things, performing root canal therapy, should be the least popular of all dentists.  Yet if you have an all-consuming, head splitting toothache, the endodontist is the first person you want to and should see.  An endodontist, with their advanced training, can relieve you of your toothache in one appointment.  In this way, it would be better to understand endodontists as specialists in treating and preventing toothaches.

Inside of every tooth is tissue, called the dental pulp that helps the tooth grow and develop when the tooth is young.  If the pulp comes in contact with bacteria through deep decay, a restoration, or a fracture, it can become damaged.  In this way, toothaches are caused by inflammation or infection in the internal tooth, pulp, or surrounding bone.  Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications will help control the symptoms but cannot resolve the problem.  Root canal therapy, so named because the treatment takes place within the tiny roots of the tooth, is a procedure for cleaning and disinfecting the internal tooth structure.  Think of it like having a very small filling deep in the tooth, so small that endodontists work with special instruments that are as small as a hair’s width in diameter and a microscope to help with vision.  Typical treatment time depends on the complexity of the case and the number of roots within the tooth.  Your visit can be anywhere from half-hour to two hours with longer treatments often divided into two separate visits for your comfort.  In many respects, the experience will be indiscernible from having a filling.

Sometimes root canal therapy is indicated as a means to prevent an infection and toothache, which is why your dentist or endodontist may recommend root canal therapy on a tooth that has never caused any problems before.  He or she is only looking out for your best interest, saving you from future discomfort and infection.  Any time a tooth can be treated prior to infection, the procedure itself will be more predictable and easier on you, the patient.

Root canal therapy is a comfortable procedure.  The treatment itself is performed under local anesthesia and there is no associated feeling.  When it is over, you can often return to work or to enjoying your day.  When people wince at the thought of a past root canal or describe a past experience, they are either referring to the toothache that caused them to need treatment, or were not under the care of a specialist who has advanced training, tools, and techniques.  Sedation is offered in some offices, but it is not needed in the vast majority of cases.  Patients, much to their own disbelief, very often fall asleep on their own during the procedure.

If we refer you to an endodontist for root canal therapy, there is nothing to fear.  Our referral endodontist should make every effort to answer your questions and make the process as relaxing and comfortable as possible for you.  If you have a toothache and are referred to an endodontist, know that you have already been through the worst part, you are heading to the right place, and treatment will have you feeling better quickly, often as soon as the endodontist numbs the area.

This article was contributed by Dr. Justin M. Parente of Alpharetta Endodontics.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341



290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


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