Dentist Atlanta: Covid-19 is NO Excuse to Skip Your Dental Visits

Sandy Springs Dentist near meThe first step towards good dental health is brushing and flossing, which costs all of $3.00 to $5.00 every 3 to 5 months.  After that it is about education and knowledge. Our dental offices are well prepared to treat you during this Covid-19 pandemic.  In fact, less than 1% of dental offices nationwide have experience the Covid virus. We have been dealing with infection control for 4 decades since the outbreak of AIDS.

It’s pretty obvious that the last year of this pandemic crisis may have caused people to make some tough choices with scarce funds and the risk of infection.  And skipping dental visits may have risen to the top of the list of least likely things to do with your money or your time.  But skipping dental visits may be more costly in the long run, and not just to your oral health, but to your overall health.  Difficult times often find people delaying or avoiding trips to the dentist is something we are seeing more and more these days.

Downsized employees not only have lost medical benefits, but dental coverage as well.  And without regular visits people may not be aware of the many subtle changes that may be occurring inside their mouth because they don’t feel them or recognize them.  And without seeing these changes patients feel they can delay or skip dental visits, not realizing that it takes a trained dental professional to see small changes that if left untreated may develop into major costly dental or even medical issues.

One of the key roles of a dental hygienist is to educate patients about the etiology of dental diseases and what individuals can do to prevent oral health issues. These issues if left unchecked or untreated could affect a person’s ability to eat properly, compromising one’s ability to maintain proper nutrition, which in turn may negatively impact one’s general health.  If left untreated bleeding of the gums or inflammation, which is a slow, relatively painless process, if left untreated, can result in bone degradation and eventual tooth loss.  It may also be a sign of other global health issues such as diabetes, heart related issues or even contribute to infertility or some form of birth complication in pregnant women.

Given these possibilities the dental office is the starting point for dental education.  Education about oral health allows you to take ownership of your success in taking care of your body.  Ask questions.  Proper flossing and brushing of teeth on a daily basis, preferably twice daily, is critical to remove bacterial plaque between the teeth that, if not removed, can destroy the fibers that hold the teeth in place.

In addition to brushing and flossing, good nutrition is key to good oral health as well as your global health.  It is one integrated process.  Certain drinks like red wine, soda, and even healthy fruit juice, can erode the enamel layer of your teeth.  Learn to balance the intake of acidic and alkaline foods. Ingesting high acidic foods and drinks as well as improper tooth-brushing technique are the two main reasons for tooth sensitivity.  Learn to drink more water as a part of your diet.

In this day and age, easily accessible internet websites, such as the American Dental Association offer information on various dental topics.  Read up on subjects that relate to your situation and discuss these topics with your dental professional.  That’s what they are there for.

If Covid-19 or lack of dental insurance or sudden loss of income prevents proper professional dental care, talk to our dentists to see if some arrangements can be made to accommodate your new found circumstances. The national average for Covid infections is the dental office is less than 1%.  Don’t make the mistake that your oral health can be put off, because your oral health is linked to your global health.

If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


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Dentist Sandy Springs: Soup To Nuts

Dental Implants near me“Soup to nuts” is an American English idiom that conveys the meaning of “from beginning to end”. It is derived from the description of a full course dinner, in which courses progress from soup to a dessert of nuts.  Part of deciding where you are going to have your teeth and mouth taken care of should be influenced by your provider being able to treat you from beginning to end, particularly when it comes to tooth loss and dental implant decisions.

These important Facts to Help Make Your Decision

Many people are unaware of the consequences of losing their teeth or the effects of wearing partial or full dentures upon their jaws and bones. When teeth are lost, the surrounding bone immediately begins to shrink [atrophy]. Implant treatment, for tooth replacement therapy, can be the optimal treatment plan. Here are some important facts to take into consideration.

In our office we can treat your implant needs from soup to nuts.  We have trained implant specialists and trained restorative specialists. Check out our team, particularly Dr. Scheinfeld and her two daughters, Drs. Bock and Orland.  Implant dentistsDr. Scheinfeld is a rare trained prosthodontist and Drs. Bock and Orland are experienced in extractions, bone grafts and implant placements – so it’s soup to nuts in our office.

The single tooth implant success rate is above 98%, and unlike a bridge, the teeth adjacent to the implant are no more at risk than if no teeth were missing.

For bone maintenance, the health of adjacent teeth, the longevity of the restoration and patient comfort, implant therapy is the treatment of choice. Your implants can restore chewing function to the equivalent of someone with natural teeth. If you have questions or want to know if you are a good candidate for implant tooth replacement therapy, please call our office in Sandy Springs.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

ZoAnna Bock, MS, DMD

Hanna Orland, DMD

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A                                

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



3781 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


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