Sandy Springs Dentist: Your Smile Is Priceless

Did you know that the shape, shade, length and spacing of your teeth could significantly affect your smile? And our smiles can greatly affect our self-esteem and confidence. Common conditions that impact negatively on your smile include broken, cracked or worn teeth, discolored teeth, missing teeth, crooked teeth, decayed teeth, gaps between your teeth and/or “gummy smiles.” The good news is that with modern technology and improved materials, these situations can be dramatically changed to create natural looking and long-lasting beautiful smiles.

Each patient and each specific circumstance must be evaluated on its own merits. Factors such as occlusion [bite], oral habits, available space, health of the gum tissue, severity of the problem and patient expectation should be taken into consideration when planning your cosmetic makeover.

Depending on your individual oral characteristics, there are a variety of choices that all result in excellent esthetic outcomes. For whiter natural teeth, in-office or at-home bleaching [whitening] techniques are available. Repairing teeth or closing spaces may be accomplished with tooth-colored composite resin bonding, porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns.

Veneers are wafer-thin laminates or shells of tooth-colored material (which can be either porcelain, ceramic or composite bonding material).  They are bonded (cemented) to the front surface of teeth to improve their cosmetic appearance.   It’s really not that much different from brick on the front of one’s home.  Many dentists use the alternative analogy that dental veneers are for your teeth what false fingernails are for your hands.

Stained teeth – badly stained or discolored that cannot be improved by teeth whitening or prophyflex treatments can be greatly improved by dental veneers, which function to cover any existing stains on your teeth.

Damaged teeth – teeth that have become badly worn through excessive grinding or by carbonated drinks, as well as those that have been chipped or broken, can benefit from veneers. A small chip on a tooth can quickly be repaired with composite bonding, also known as “composite veneers”.   A single damaged tooth can easily be repaired with a porcelain veneer that has the same characteristics and color as you natural teeth.

Gaps – spaces or gaps (technically termed as a diastimas) between your teeth can easily be closed using dental veneers, giving you a more uniform-looking smile.

Crooked teeth – Veneers are not the ideal treatment for crooked teeth, and from the point of view of preserving your natural teeth structure, orthodontics or Invisalign braces would probably a better solution.   However, this type of treatment can take up to a year or longer and be significantly more in cost to accomplish.   For teeth that are not severely crooked, veneers placed over their front surface will give a straight and perfectly aligned-looking smile.   For this type of treatment, many people refer to veneers as “instant orthodontics”, as you get a similar end result in a fraction of the time.

These procedures vary in time and cost and have differences in longevity and appearance. If you’re not satisfied with your smile or want to learn if you’re a good candidate for any of these remarkable techniques, call our Atlanta (Sandy Springs) office for a complimentary cosmetic consultation.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A
Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 256-3620

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Dunwoody Dentist: Dental Implants are….

Your Natural Choice in Tooth Replacement.

Whenever a tooth is lost, if the bone structure will allow, it should be replaced with an implant.  Failure to replace the tooth with an implant will ultimately contribute to the loss of facial bone structure.  Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, which represent an alternative to dentures or bridgework.  The advantages vary from patient to patient and type of restoration but in addition to retained bone structure may include improved chewing ability, better speech, more secure fit of the restoration, greater comfort, and improved self-esteem.

 he implant itself is made from Titanium and is surgically implanted in the jawbone to function in a similar way to a natural tooth root.  Depending on the individuals varying biological characteristics, it may be necessary for the implant to heal in the jawbone for a period of 3 to 6 months, which allows your bone to grow onto the implant in a process called Osseo-integration.

Once integrated, the implant is then exposed from the gum tissue, and a restoration consisting of one or more replacement teeth, is fabricated by the prosthodontist to fit on top of the implants.  In other cases it is possible to fit the teeth to the implants soon after implant placement, called immediate loading implants.

 The restoration can be attached in several ways:


  • Removable structure, using special bars and clips.


  • Fixed or screw retained, using special screws and cement so that only your dentist can remove it, if necessary.


In the case of dentures, an implant-supported overdenture fits more securely than a conventional denture which rests on the gum tissue and offers no form of mechanical attachment.  The difference is the implants participate integrally in retaining bone structure in the jaw line.

Where a single tooth is lost adjacent healthy teeth can often remain intact and unaffected by an implant-supported restoration.  This is unlike conventional bridgework where healthy teeth are structurally altered to support the bridge.

Implants are usually placed under local anesthesia in the oral surgeon’s office.  The procedure involved in placing the implants is generally not painful and usually requires minimal recovery time and post-operative medication.

Only your dentist can tell whether you’re a candidate for dental implants.  Certain health conditions (like uncontrolled diabetes) or risk factors (like smoking) may preclude your ability to undergo implant therapy.  In addition, appropriate hygiene must be established prior to implant therapy and must be maintained to ensure the long-term success of the implant.  If we can be of assistance or answer any of your concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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Dunwoody Dentist: We’ve made progress.

People in ancient times believed that the stabbing pain of a toothache was caused by a toothworm, which either had appeared spontaneously or had bored its way into the tooth. If the tooth pain was severe, it meant that the worm was thrashing about, but if the aching stopped, then the worm was resting. Cultures all over the world, many of whom had no contact with each other, held stubbornly to this myth. The folklore of the toothworm persisted from ancient times to the beginning of the eighteenth century.  As a result many useless and rather comical folk cures were developed:

• Bee: Honey, a product of bees, was used to coat an infected tooth in the Middle Ages. People smeared their aching teeth with honey and waited all night with tweezers in hand, ready to pluck out the toothworm.  The bait rarely worked.

• Donkey: In ancient Greece, donkey’s milk was used as a mouthwash to strengthen the gums and teeth.  It was obvious goats milk did not have the same medicinal attributes.

• Frog: Besides spitting in a frog’s mouth for toothache relief, these web-footed creatures were applied to a person’s cheek or to the head on the side of the ailing tooth.  The worst case scenario is you ended up with a prince or princess.

• Onion: In the Middle Ages a slice of onion was applied to the ear on the side of the aching tooth.  Obviously, they had never heard the old adage that ‘misery loves company’, because no friends wanted to hang around people with smelly onion ears.

If you are having a persisting or intermittent ache in your tooth for a prolonged period of time you mostly likely need to see your dentist.

Portions were Reprinted with permission from “Toothworms and Spider Juice: An Illustrated History of Dentistry” – Loretta Frances Ichord, Millerbrook Press.


Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A                                                         

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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Dunwoody Dentist: Cranberries Have Unique Benefit For Women

A recent study at Rutgers University, and published in Phytochemistry, confirmed a long-held theory that ingestion of cranberries is helpful in protecting against harmful bacterial in the urinary tract. This is due to one of its natural compounds called proanthocyanidin [PAC’s], and its anti-adhesion effect.

The anti-adhesion property of cranberries prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract, which is one of the most common regions for a woman to develop a bacterial infection. Half off all women will experience at least one urinary tract infection in their lifetime. E. coli, bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, are becoming increasingly resistant to common antibiotics. The study concluded that 80% of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria were prevented from sticking by the anti-adhesion property of cranberries. There is some conjecture that PAC’s found in cranberry may minimize stomach ulcers and gum disease by the same mechanism.

This study compared the action of PAC’s in cranberries to those in other foods such as grape and apple juice, dark chocolate and green tea. Apparently, not all PAC-rich foods have the same success or offer the same protection. By means of comparison, one eight-ounce glass of cranberry juice has the equivalent PAC’s as a cup of frozen or fresh cranberries, 1/3 cup of sweetened dried cranberries or 1/3 cup of cranberry sauce. Both this study and earlier research show that the benefits of one glass of cranberry juice kicks in about two hours after consumption and lasts for about 10 hours. So, it is recommended that you drink one glass of cranberry juice in the morning and one in the evening for the maximum protection. Remember, cranberry is a food and not a treatment. Keep in mind that anyone who suspects an infection should consult the appropriate health care practitioner.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


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Sandy Springs Dental: Explore the World with Fruits and Vegetables

Create a world of flavors in your kitchen. We enjoy food from all over the world. But you don’t have to travel the globe or visit your local ethnic restaurant to experience food from other countries. You can easily bring the taste of a faraway place to your table.
Combine and use in different ways

Puree fruits and vegetables in a food processor to create dips, sauces, and dressings. Blend chick peas, garlic, olive oil, and yogurt to make a Middle-Eastern dip.

Combine different fruits and vegetables to make salsas and chutneys. Use to flavor grilled chicken or fish. Mix papaya, onion, bell peppers, lime juice, and cilantro for a great Caribbean salsa.

Grill, sauté, roast, stir-fry, or slow cook to bring out flavors. Roast eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, pepper, and garlic to create a favorite French vegetable side.
The Global Kitchen
Adding a few new fruits and vegetables, spices, and herbs to your kitchen can help you
create flavorful ethnic-inspired dishes at home. Most of these ingredients can be found in
your local grocery store.