What is a Prosthodontist? Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, Atlanta, GA

UniqueAccording to Forbes magazine, it’s the rarest dental specialty in the United States.   Imagine that, being so unique that only about 560 dentists in the country are practicing prosthodontists.  But what type of dentistry does a prosthodontist practice?  The difficult kind.  Among our referring colleagues, we are the specialist who’s trained to fix really difficult oral problems.  So how does that relate to you?  Well, given our expertise, we have become the true experts in cosmetic dental restorations.  If we can handle complex dental cases, image what we can do for low to moderate cosmetic issues.

We are usually considered the quarterbacks of your dental restoration.  We work in collaboration with other specialties when necessary to achieve what we call ‘the right smile’.  Each patient presents a unique set of circumstances and our rigorous training allows us to create not only a functioning smile, but a smile that’s aesthetically pleasing to the discerning public.  One that makes you smile.

A prosthodontist is a ADA sanctioned, university trained post graduate dental specialist.  If there were such a discipline as ‘cosmetic dentist’, the prosthodontist would fill that description.  But our training and qualifications go much further beyond aesthetics.  While aesthetics is a part of the end goal, good functioning oral health is the foundation of what our treatment planning centers around.  And striking the right balance between aesthetics and functionality requires a tremendous amount of training and experience.

I have been in the rarest dental profession for nearly 25 years with a patient base that spans 4 generations.  I have assembled a team of dentists and staff that support my expertise and supply them with state of the art technology to achieve the right smile.  But don’t take my word for it.  Read some of the over 465 reviews posted on the internet at:


If there is anything you have questions about or desire a second opinion, feel free to contact us.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328




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