Dentist Atlanta: Success Rates of Dental Implants

Dental implants are among the most successful procedures in dentistry. However, there are no guarantees that an implant procedure will be successful.  Given the complexity of the procedure, there are many variables that can play into the success rate.  The studies show a five-year success rate of 95 percent for lower jaw implants and 90 percent for upper jaw implants.  The success rate for upper jaw implants is lower because the upper jaw is less dense than the lower jaw, making the success of implantation and osseointegration slightly more difficult to achieve.  The lower posterior implantation has the highest success rate for all dental implants because of the density of the bone, there’s more to work with.

Other factors that have an impact on success are pre-existing dental or general health conditions or the position of the replaced tooth.  Dental implants may fail for a number of reasons, but the most come reason is the failure of the implant device to properly osseo-integrate.  The actual failure of the implant may be the result of poor positioning or over torqueing in the bone.  Although infrequent, dental implants may break or become infected or crowns may become loose the same way your natural teeth become loose.

If you are a heavy smoker, your dentist may advise you to give up smoking before undergoing the procedure because smokers statistically face a higher risk of implant failure. Given how expensive implants can be, one risks wasting money on dental implants if you can’t give up the habit. Other high risk candidates are patients with diabetes, hemophilia or immune deficiencies and rare instances, patients with chronic bruxism.

As I have noted in other articles the value of implants is significant with respect to bone retention and actual functionality, and they are not susceptible to the formation of cavities.  So as long as one engages in good oral hygiene, i.e. with brushing, flossing, and regular hygiene procedures, the chances of peri-implantitis (characterized by inflammation or swelling of the tissues surrounding the implant) should be avoidable.  This disease is similar to periodontitis around one natural tooth, and thus requires a similar approach to good oral hygiene.

Key factors in minimizing dental implant complications are the selection of an experienced prosthodontist and oral surgeon who specialize in implant dentistry, careful pre-operative treatment planning and proper after-care and oral hygiene. If you would like to know whether you are a candidate for implants please feel free to call for a free consultation.


Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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Dentist Atlanta: What [5] Questions Do Patients Ask About Dental Implants?

I read this article by Jim Du Molin and thought it might be interesting to readers and my patients.


We (I’m assuming Jim Du Molin) conducted a survey that asked dentists what questions dental patients ask when considering getting implants. It turns out that there’s a real difference between the questions dental implant patients do ask — and which questions they should be asking.

Dentists responded with the following . . .

The top 5 questions dental patients ask –                              

  1. 1.      How much do dental implants cost?
  2. 2.      How long do dental implants last?
  3. 3.      Are implants painful?
  4. 4.      How long will it take to get my new teeth?
  5. 5.      Does dental insurance cover implant surgery?

Versus . . .

The top 5 questions dentists want patients to ask –

  1. 1.      Am I a good candidate for implants?
  2. 2.      What are the potential complications of dental implant therapy?
  3. 3.      How much implant experience does the doctor have?
  4. 4.      What is the healing time for my implants?
  5. 5.      Can implants improve my appearance?

Many dental implant patients seem to have the same questions about dental implant therapy. Unfortunately, these questions aren’t necessarily the ones dentists think they should be asking.

The 2 main questions patients ask are –

  1. 1.      How much do dental implants cost?
  2. 2.      Will dental implant surgery be painful?

When dentists feel their very first question should be –

  1. 1.      Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

There is really a disconnect between the doctor and patient. This really is no surprise, since patients are thinking about how they are going to pay for the implants, and whether the procedure will be painful.

But doctors can’t afford not to address the primary concerns of the patient first: cost and pain.

One dentist wrote, “Long term, when the conditions are favorable, proper bone density, height and width, proper biomechanical considerations, proper occlusal load. A dental implant is more cost effective over a 3 unit bridge. However, when the above conditions are not meet — the 3 unit bridge (with sufficient ferule, impressions taken with custom made tray and properly impressioned, properly articulated, preprosthetic endodontic treatment performed by an endodontist, core-restoration — not in composite) will be more cost effective (for the patient).”

If you would like to learn more about implants and your candidacy please call or email your question.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328




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Dentist Atlanta: How Much Do Dental X-rays Cost?

A single dental x-ray would cost between $28-38. Four check-up or bitewing x-rays may cost between $60-80, and a full mouth series (18 x-rays) or panoramic x-ray would cost between $100-200. If it’s a new practice or mature one that is trying to build or rebuild its patient base, often the x-rays will bundled with an examination that ends up costing the patient virtually nothing.  Most dental insurance covers x-rays at 100%. It is usually considered a diagnostic or preventive service.

If you are a new patient, the dentist should recommend x-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and to help identify changes that may occur later.  They give your dentist a baseline of your present condition.  A new set of x-rays may be needed to help your dentist detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth. If a previous dentist has any radiographs of you, your new dentist may ask you for copies of them.

We take four bitewings (which show us in between the back teeth to check for cavities).

Sometimes we take a full series of images (18 images or so…which show us cavities plus also shows us bone levels and nerve health).

A panoramic image is a single image of the entire upper and lower arch. This requires a different machine and can cost $125-175 or more. It shows the entire mouth on one image.

Many diseases of the oral cavity (which includes the teeth and surrounding tissues and bone) cannot be seen when the dentist examines your mouth.

Dental x-rays are used to diagnose or detect tooth decay, impacted teeth, jaw problems, abscessed (infected) teeth, or current filling placement.  An x-ray exam can help your dentist see the small areas of decay between the teeth and fillings; bone damage from a tooth infection or cyst; bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease; developmental defects; some types of tumors; the effects of trauma; and the position on unerupted teeth in children and adults.  Dental x-rays can also reveal bone loss from periodontal (gum) disease, locate tarter build-up, find foreign bodies within the gum or bone, and see if there is enough bone for the placement of dental implants.

Finding and treating dental problems at an early stage can save time, money and unneeded discomfort and help prevent more serious health problems.  A good dentist will tailor a treatment plan to your finances, altering the ideal treatment as much as possible to help you be able to afford it.  If we can be of help, please do hesitate to call, email or make an appointment to be seen.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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